I was tagged, as I usually am this time of the year. When people get off work for longer stretches of time, and they find more and more engrossing uses of the Internet - and check their address books - it's time to tag!
So I was supposed to write about 5 things that I love doing in a city that I love.
Now this will require some thinking, because up until a while ago, I did like Mysore - but besides the fact that the place bugs me at the moment, I probably wouldn't be able to think of 5 things I pursue that are very different from each other.
And I wouldn't write about Calcutta (although that has been home for almost 4 months now - because a majority of my activities happen within campus and it just wouldn't be fair on the reader to indulge in stories of activities therein. Also, Bhavin wrote of Cal, I will be slightly different.)
Baud, do I have to write about 5 things I love doing only in one city? Since I don't seem to have cherished memories of even 5 things in a single place, I'll do a random 'things I like doing in places I've been' thing, shall I? I should actually be let off even without reprimand since I revived this blog that had received the dementor's kiss a hundred and more days ago.
But y'know what? I'll do the tag in the next entry. I'm home for the holidays right now; after a hardly gruelling semester at college - and am perpetually on the net. For days, sometimes. I have to find something to do too, like those intellectuals with their keyboards and their address books. Next blog entry will be more interesting. Stck with me, kay?